Red Eggs & Lenten Soups for Pascha!!

Let Philoptochos help you with Red Eggs for Pascha and Lenten Soups! Our members will be preparing these items for purchase during the Lenten season. Your purchase of these items helps to support the philanthropic outreach of Philoptochos.

All Orders Must Be Paid In Advance

Please note the dates for order pick-ups!

Deadline For Placing Orders is Monday, April 7th

Red Eggs for Pascha

  • Red Eggs will be sold by the dozen, packaged in colorful egg cartons

  • Only 100 Dozen Red Eggs will be available for purchase for $20.00 per dozen

  • Pick Up: Thursday, April 17th - HCC Atrium from Noon until 3:00pm

Lenten Soups

  • A favorite Cathedral tradition is Presvytera Evi’s delicious homemade soups!

  • Both Lentil and Bean Soups will be sold for $20.00 per quart

  • Pick Up: Saturday, April 12th - Carlos Hall after the Saturday of Lazarus service

    Sunday, April 13th - HCC Atrium before the Palm Sunday Luncheon

Philoptochos thanks you for your support & wishes all parishioners a Blessed Lent

Red Eggs & Lenten Soups